A Roadmap to Doubling the Female Labour
Force Participation Rate by 2047

India’s goal of becoming a $30 trillion economy by 2047 hinges on increasing female workforce participation, with women expected to contribute 45%, or $14 trillion, of the total GDP. Achieving this requires boosting the Female Labour Force Participation Rate (FLFPR) to nearly 70% from the current 35-40%, bridging a massive 145-million-women gap. To tackle this, Magic Bus India Foundation, in partnership with Bain & Company, has developed the report From Aspiration to Action: Building India’s 400 Million Women Workforce, offering a strategic roadmap grounded in research and insights from over 50 organisations focused on women’s skilling, entrepreneurship, and livelihood development.


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The Challenges We Face

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While India’s female population represents a tremendous opportunity, significant challenges remain such as; high dropout rates among girls at the secondary education <>level, socio-cultural barriers and lack of safe and reliable transportation for women, and limited access to skill-
building programmes and financial support.

Download the Full Report

Ready to dive deeper? Download the full report to discover how we can double
female workforce participation and drive gender equality in India.

Solutions Tailored to Women’s Realities

The report offers a detailed analysis of seven distinct archetypes of women, identifying the unique challenges and solutions for each segment. Special focus is given to:

Aspirational Homemakers seeking flexible work options

High-Potential Youth on the cusp of entering the workforce

Home-Based Entrepreneurs striving to turn small ideas into big realities

Our Solutions

This report presents a deep dive into the economic imperative of increasing FLFPR and highlights two models essential for bringing women into the workforce:

The E4 Model

This model focuses on enabling entrepreneurship among rural women by creating entrepreneurial ecosystems tailored to local needs, offering skill development, market linkages, and access to credit.


This model aims to improve urban women’s workforce participation through job readiness, growth, and resilience, ensuring access to jobs and reducing dropouts from the workforce.

Download the Full Report

Ready to dive deeper? Download the full report to discover how we can double
female workforce participation and drive gender equality in India.

Real Stories of Impact

We highlight the incredible journeys of women who have broken through barriers and carved out sustainable livelihoods. By equipping young women with 21st-century skills, Magic Bus ensures they are ready to enter formal job markets or build thriving businesses of their own.

Youth Livelihood Programme | First Step Towards Success

Rural Entrepreneur Spotlight | Padma's Dairy Venture

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