View our FCRA Details for
Financial Year : 2022-2023
Quarter: Oct 2022 - Dec 2022
Total Amount received During this Quarter: 6,26,43,277
Sr. No. | Name of Donors | Institutional/Individual | Details Of the donor: Official address/Email Address/Website address |
Purpose for which received | Specific Activity / project | Amount (Rs) |
1 | Biddu Biddu | Institutional | Accolade G 4, Benson Town,Bangalore:560046/ [email protected] | Social | Childhood to livelihood | 25,000 |
2 | Charities Aid Foundation America | Institutional | 1800 Diagonal Rd 150, Alexandria, VA 22314, United states | Social | Childhood to livelihood | 18,36,366.6 |
3 | Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (Ip Donor)-Fc | Institutional | Attention Kathy Furler4417 Westlake DriveAustin, Texas 78746 USA ;[email protected] ; | Social | livelihood | 2,25,14,067 |
4 | Oracle Financial Services Software Limited | Institutional | Oracle Park, Off Western Express Highway, Goregoan East, Mumbai 400063, Maharashtra /[email protected] | Social | Childhood to livelihood/Livelihood | 1,55,00,000 |
5 | Padubidri Pramod Shenoi | Institutional | Singapore / [email protected] | Social | Childhood to livelihood | 50,000 |
6 | Prince'S Trust International - ( Pti ) | Institutional | Prince's Trust House, 9 Eldon Street, London EC2M 7LS. | Social | livelihood | 1,95,69,881 |
7 | Think Beyond - Bsmr-Extra Mile 2021 | Institutional | 5th Floor, 110, High Holborn, London, WC1V6JS | Social | Childhood to livelihood | 24,58,470 |
8 | Uk Online Giving | Individual | Unit 9 Cirencester Office Park Tetbury Road Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 6JJ U.K. ;[email protected] ; | Social | Childhood to livelihood | 5,04,352.498 |
9 | Wadhwani Charitable- Top Up | Institutional | Four Main Street, Suite 100, Los Altos, CA 94022 | Religious | Childhood to livelihood | 1.26,588 |
10 | World Bank Group | Institutional | 70, KK Birla Ln, Lodhi Gardens, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110003 | Social | Childhood to livelihood | 58,551.882 |